Saturday, June 15, 2013


Ok so the Stanley Cup Finals have started and, frankly, I hope the Blackhawks grind the Bruins into the ground (or the ice...?) I really can't stand the Bruins. I won't say I hate them, though, because the only team that I actually hate is the Pittsburg Penguins. Can't stand them. It's a bit strange because my beesssst friend LOVES the Pens. She loves them like I love the Rangers. I want to marry many of the men on that team (the Rangers) except Rick Nash. But this post isn't about him. I'll save that for later so I can get into good detail about why he angers me.


The Blackhawks must win. If they do not win this entire year will have been a complete failure in my opinion except for the Eastern Conference Finals. That was actually laughable (sorry Maddy...) but I definitely did not see that coming at all!
As for the West I really didn't know who was going to win the Conference Finals. I was rooting for the Hawks though because they are pretty cool. But I wouldn't have minded if the Kings had won. People on Instagram kept saying "Hollywood wants a sequel" which I thought was super funny.
Ok I'm done ranting about the finals for now. Tata!!
Also: next post is a pattern!!

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