Monday, December 10, 2012

Hey Hey Hey

Yo. So here's the scoop: basically this entire blog is about hockey and knitting. Those are my two greatest loves in the world and without either I see no point in living. I am not one of those people who's like "Hockey ya! beatin people and smashin them into the boards wooo!!!". No. That is only a small part of hockey.  It is actually about pure greatness and skill and speed and "woah that was a great move!" and stuff like that. Its about the hard work and dedication that people put in - wait I'm getting too emotional here. Basically all you need to know is that hockey is about pure awesomeness. Same with knitting. They both posess large amounts of awesomeness. So those are my views about that.
I also really love listening to music. Pretty much all types of music really. Well all except blues. I really can't stand blues music. My favorite bands are Queen and The Wanted. I really can't decide which is awesomer because they are both amazingly cool. They are quite different though. Well not that different, only the genre of music they play, the time period in which they exist(ed), there entire images, their audiences etc. Other than that they are pretty much the same (sarcasm). They are both British though!! I also really love Taylor Swift and Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood. Those guys rock too.  So basically that was me rambling about music I like.
The next thing I want to tell you people about is my beautiful puppy Halainn (pronounced hay-lin). Well she's not really a puppy. She's 5 now. But she's still a puppy at heart so it's ok. Halainn is a boxer/lab/pit-bull mix; a mutt. She is chock full of energy and cuteness. I will probably talk a lot about her because I love her so much. Feel free to tune out if you wish.
So in a few paragraphs that is me mostly. There's more obviously, but we shall save the rest for later. As always, go forth and knit! Plus don't forget to read my note.

NOTE: There will be many times where I will attempt to make you laugh, but will probably fail miserably. Just putting that out there. Adios.

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