Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lesson 3: Holy Cake it's the Knit Stitch!!

Ladies and gentle-dudes, put your hands together for the one, the only, the knit stitch!! (insert applause here)
Well I suppose that since you know how to cast on you probably would like to know how to do the rest of the knitting. Let's start with the knit stitch, shall we?
This is one of the 2 most basic stitches known to knit-kind and I am warning you now that in the beginning you will drop stitches, have horribly uneven work, and most likely you will end up with a bunch of blah. The bright side is this will not be the case once you complete my knitting boot camp. Just kidding that doesn't exist. 
Form an X with the needles
Well let's get to it. First cast on some stitches. I think 10 will work. The next thing you want to do is insert the needle in your right hand (aka the right hand or RH needle) into the stitch on the needle in your left hand (LH needle). You can mouse over the pictures and a little label will tell you which direction it goes with if you get confused.

This blue is my new favorite
 nail polish color
 Wrap the yarn around the front of the RH needle from left to right.

This is the hardest part.
Just keep practicing
 Now just like you did for method #2 of casting on bring the LH needle up and over the top of the RH needle from front to back.

Push the stitch off the LH needle and you're done! Now you repeat that on the rest of the stitches. Put the needle in, wrap the yarn, bring the needle up and over and push the stitch off. Do it over and over and over and over until you don't have any more stitches on the LH needle. That was one row.
To do the next row you turn the knitting around half a turn and switch the needles in your hands so you have the old RH needle in your left hand and so on.

Then just repeat the steps again and there's another row!
So basically just practice working back and
forth on the rows and it should look a little something like this:

This is 5 rows so far

If not take all the stitches off the needles and pull the yarn until you have nothing and start again or just keep going until your work gets more even. Leave questions in the comments and I will respond to them. Ok I'm excited! Now when I give you the "suggestion" you can actually do it!! Go forth and knit! 

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