Friday, February 8, 2013

Lesson 5: The Grand Finale

So now you know all this wonderful stuff about knitting! Unless you just wat to knit one endless strip I suggest you learn how to bind off. It's important that you bind off correctly or you work will unravel and that would just be a problem. There are a lot of different methods to this that will give you a fancy edge, but this is the most basic and you will end up with a clean straight line on top.

The first thing you want to do is knit (or purl) 2 stitches. No more, no less.

Now use the tip of the LH needle to bring the last stitch on the RH needle (the first one you knitted) over the top of the other stitch.

This might be a little difficult a first and especially if you knit the stitches too tight. Make sure the first stitch doesnt come off too when you do this.

 After you bring it over the top of the other stitch slide it right off the needle.

Then knit another stitch from the LH needle and repeat the process of bringing the last stitch over the first one and off the needle.

Keep on doing this until there are no more stitches on the LH needle and there is only one stitch left on the RH needle. Cut the yarn about 5" away from the work (or longer if you are using the tail to sew peices together) and pull it throgh the loop. Pull it tight so it is secure and you are done! See it's not that hard is it. Well maybe. But the brigt side it you will only have to do this once for every piece you knit.

You can leave questions as comments if you want. Happy knitting :)

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